The truth is, you can if you will.
I can’t buy a hot-air balloon, I have to be practical.
I can’t go to my niece’s graduation, I have to work.
I can’t go to my high school reunion, I have to lose some weight.
I can’t take the kids to Disneyland this summer, I have to paint the house.
This blog is a gentle reminder that there are actually very few “have to’s” in life. You have to be born, you have to die, and you have to take accountability for your decisions . . . but all the rest of life is pretty much up to you.
Why build a prison for yourself with “have to’s”, “can’ts” or “they won’t let me’s.” Instead, put your life on an “I can, I will, I want to, and I can’t wait to” basis. Then watch what happens.
We become happier, much happier, when we keep in mind that life is an opportunity rather than an obligation.